The State Bar of Texas has partnered with BetterHelp to support lawyer well-being by providing its members resources to help maintain their fitness to practice law.
State Bar members have access to one month of online mental health therapy at no cost.* After the initial month, State Bar members can then receive a 15% discount on BetterHelp services.
Go here and enter discount code 5a449 to take advantage of this benefit and get matched with a licensed therapist based on your preferences and needs.** (NOTE: You must enter the discount code—not your email address—on the BetterHelp landing page to receive the State Bar discount.)
BetterHelp is the world’s largest online provider of therapy offering a wide range of specialties including developing ways to help improve your performance as an attorney by giving you tools to deal with the stresses of a legal practice.
* Before talking to a therapist, you will be asked to submit a valid payment method. You will not be charged if you cancel within one month.
** The State Bar of Texas will not know who is receiving counseling and will not have access to counseling or other personal data provided to BetterHelp.